Father’s Day is fast approaching and like many we are wondering what we’re going to do to celebrate this day with our Dads. Some will do a barbecue or allow their father’s to spend the day in what ever manner they wish. In my case, my father is no longer with me. I will celebrate by remembering him in a way only a daughter can about her father, my fathers’ advise and wise council when I needed it the most.
A father daughter relationship, most generally, is a very special bond. That certainly was the case with me. Awhile back I had written about a moment I had with my my Father’s advise. I thought it would be appropriate to share an excerpt from that post called “Treasure Box” for Father’s Day.
Here, is my story:
A Father’s Advise
I was 16. School had been in session just over 2 months. It was a very hot, sticky and very humid Indian summer night, and the fireflies were out in force, not that I would have noticed. I was sitting on our front porch totally self-absorbed and depressed because I wasn’t being noticed by the most popular boy in school. While I was wallowing in my misery, my Dad came out on the porch and sit down beside me. My first thought was “OH GREAT another discussion about how school was going”. I was SOOO, not into having that discussion. I had bigger problems. The boy of my dreams did not even know I existed.
My Dad and I sat together on the porch for a while watching the fireflies and the cars go by. Finally Dad asked the question “So, what’s bugging you”. I remembering sighing the BIGGEST sigh, and then told him my woes. I explained how I REALLY liked this boy named Kerry. How he was so cool and did everything with such perfection and that he was the most popular boy in school and… Get the idea?
I am not sure how long I talked, and all that I said but my Dad listened with great patience, not interrupting until I let out another GREAT sigh, slumping my shoulders in defeat, signaling the end of my explanation. We set there for another few moments in silence, and I thought, “CRAP now he is going to tell me how silly that is, and I should worry more about my unfinished homework”. So I waited.
Then he said; “I see. That is a problem.” I was stunned. My Dad then went on to say. “You know, when you’re like Kerry and everyone is expecting you to be cool, and perfect all the time, it can be very hard. He may actually be looking for someone who sees him for who he is, a boy who is trying to do the best he can. Give it time and he will see you and recognize you as a nice person who understands his problem. Just be nice to him and offer him help when you think he needs it. I’m sure he would appreciate someone not always expecting him to be perfect”.
All I could think of at that very moment was how much I loved my Dad. There was no judgment or reproach for what, I am sure he thought was a silly teenage problem. Instead, he listened, allowing me to be who I was at that moment in time. Offering advice that I could understand and appreciate. The funny thing is I don’t remember what happened after that because it wasn’t as important as that moment.
I miss my Dad and those quiet moments we used to share. The advice he often gave was without much fanfare and always seemed to fit what I needed at that moment in time. He taught me so many things. One lesson was life has a way of showing us our path, and always trust in ourselves to make the right decision. I can’t say that I have always heeded his lessons. At times, I can honestly say I have utterly failed at it. But in the end I am a better person because he was my Dad, and he was always there when I needed him the most.
What are your favorite memories of your father’s advise? How will you celebrate Father’s Day with your dad or your special guy? I so look forward to you answers.
Life’s journey continues…
If you liked A Father’s Advise, check out A Daughter’s Memory Of Her Mother, Adult Water and Dad’s Home Brewed Beer.
PS: What are some of your favorite stories? If you would like to write a guest post about an experience, we would love to hear from you.
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