My husband (A Man & His Pan) and I were out and about and just happened to stop by Sur La Table. The truth of the matter is we can’t pass up a kitchen store of any kind. We browsed and looked at all the new stuff and the many new gadgets that were available. Sometimes I will go to the back of the store to see the discontinued or discounted items section or shelf.
Breville Electric Wok
This time when I did, on the floor next to the discount shelf was a box. The box held a Breville Electric Wok. I picked it up to check it out. It had been reduced in price. By then my husband had walked up and was also very intrigued by this Breville Electric Wok. We asked the store clerk why this Wok happened to be there and if something was wrong with it. She answered that it had been returned and was the last item in inventory, so they priced it to sell quickly. Never one to pass up a great brand and gadget at a VERY great price, we made the purchase. I then gave it to my husband for Father’s Day. He was thrilled.
When we brought it home and took it out of the box, we were struck with what a beautiful piece of equipment it was. We decided to use it to make dinner that night. We made our favorite homemade chicken vegetable soup. I know what you’re thinking. Soup? Bear with me as I tell you our tale. Chicken Soup requires a lot of sautéing. So why not use our newly purchased Breville Electric Wok.
What we loved about this equipment was the heat settings that allowed us to go from warm to searing, and the gauge was precise. This feature made our soup preparation fast and easy. Clean up was a breeze.
To allow for easy cleaning, the Wok bowl separates from its base. What we found when reviewing the booklet that accompanied the Wok was its versatility. It can be used for much more than stir-frying, making it a multi-purpose piece of equipment.
After we had dinner and cleaned up the kitchen, my husband remarked he would have easily paid full price for our new Breville Electric Wok, given all that it does and the versatility it offered.
If you are in the market for a great piece of equipment that has some real versatility, you might want to check out the Breville Electric Wok. If you happen to buy this and give it a try, come back and let me know about your experience and what you made with it the first time.
For those of you that may be wondering about the chicken soup recipe, keep an eye out. It will be one of my upcoming food recipe posts.
Time to eat…
If you enjoyed this “Breville Electric Wok” review, check out The Breville Mini Pie Maker. It is another very cool tool by Breville.
P.S. Take a moment to check out or purchase some of the tools I use in my kitchen below. 🙂