Do you have a Thanksgiving Day Prayer? In my part of the world, as the fall season approaches I think of my family, warm fires, hot cocoa, fellowship and the warm laughter of good friends. Then there is the feast preparation. I so enjoy all the many wonderful smells that come from the kitchen at this time of year.
In preparation for the upcoming holidays, I often go in search of our traditional Thanksgiving Day Prayer. It is a traditional prayer we recite at all our Thanksgiving Day feasts. While in my search, I will often smile, a quiet knowing smile, remembering all the many memories that have come before. Those memories are like a soft warm, comforting blanket. Regardless of the time of year or whenever we have a large family gathering, this prayer is very fitting for any of these kinds of celebrations.
“A Thanksgiving Day Prayer”
Lord, We humbly ask thy blessing on the turkey and the dressing,
on the yams and cranberry jelly,
and the homemade pickles from our kitchen.
Bless the coffee, tea, apple and pumpkin pies.
Bless each and every calorie… :-).
Let us enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, tomorrow we can all get thinner.
For all thy help along the way we’re thankful this Thanksgiving Day.
We’re thankful, too, for all our dear ones,
for all the far away and near ones.
Although we may be apart, we’re together in our hearts.
Keep us in thy loving care, this is my Thanksgiving prayer.
P.S.: Anyone who wishes may help with the dishes. 🙂
As I recite this Thanksgiving prayer at all the coming holiday feasts, I will remember past times, my many blessings and add many new memories to this simple verse.
Blessings from our home to yours as life’s journey continues…
If you enjoyed “A Thanksgiving Day Prayer,” check out The Gloaming, Spring – It Begins, and View Of Spring.