Life changes every day. We hardly notice, until something brings it all to the forefront. That’s when we face the good and bad of it all. Not many know that my husband and I live in two places. Not out of choice but because of our work situations. All of that is about to change. It’s cause for celebration. However, it will require some changes. Some of the changes will be combining two households into one. That’s the easy part. The hard part is letting go of certain things that have long outlived their purpose.
Letting Go
Many of these physical things represent a past life and the memories that are attached to them. I started with getting rid of ten things a day. At first it was so easy I wondered why I hadn’t done it before. What I didn’t understand was I had been avoiding the things that would be a challenge. It started to get harder when I had to make a decision to let go of the things that had a history or represented an important event or person from my past. It was just starting to dawn on me that I hadn’t let go of that part of me. I truly hadn’t transitioned to my new life. I still had a foothold in my past life. My husband’s move was forcing me to face that.
So what was it that was proving to be a challenge? Don’t laugh. It was my wardrobe, specifically, my business clothes and a certain blue robe. I had circled around them for a few years. My closet was full of business suits that I would never wear again. They represent my success, my title, and my identity. There were other things that were even harder, especially a blue robe, given to me by my best friend who had been killed many years ago. This blue robe was lovingly carried from house to house on every move, and though never worn or used, was still showing signs of age.
I sat there in my closet on the floor, and I cried. My head was telling me I needed to let go to allow room for a new life. My heart wasn’t able to do that. Somewhere in the fog of my grief and sorrow, I realized by letting go of these things, it was as if I were letting go of my past success and my friend.
Somewhere in the deepest part of me I was able to hear my friend say, “It’s ok, it’s time to move on.” I cried even harder. I sat in my closet for a while and thought. Slowly I started to pack. The suits were the easiest. I packed each of them carefully in a container for the charity that helps women get back into the workforce. The blue robe was different. I held it and hugged it for dear life, and then I packed it on top. I could still hear my friend say, “It’s ok, it’s time to move on.” I almost lost my nerve. I pulled it out and held it a few more times with deep indecision. I found myself in my car driving to the charity with the box in the back. I had found the courage to let go. The charity was ecstatic. As hard as it was, it felt right, and I left.
In the deepest part of me, I can hear my friend’s voice say, “It’s ok, it’s time to move on.” I am now doing just that, letting go. I’m looking forward to whatever my new future may bring.
What have I learned about letting go? There are so many things. Life’s transitions are a part of life. When it’s time to move on, you will know. Holding on to things that have outlived their use or purpose can hold you back. Don’t let it.
Life’s journey continues…
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