I am way overdue thanking some generous bloggers for awards that they have been thoughtful enough to give me. Even thou I’ve received some of these awards before I still feel it’s important that I recognize these bloggers and pay it forward.
I’ve been very lucky to come across some amazing bloggers, all of which have award winning blogs in their own right. These and many others have given me such generous support and help over time; words can’t express my gratitude.
So without further a due, let me introduce you to these award winning bloggers and the awards they have given me.
Award Winning Blog Awards
To make this as easy as possible, I’ll post each blogger’s link; tell you a little about each blogger and the award I was given. At the very bottom of the lineup, I’ll showcase the award winning blog images.
I would like to start with Patricia Weber. Patricia gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. I find this very ironic because I consider her a Beautiful blogger. She writes about all introverts and their many challenges, qualities and what being an introvert means. She is currently involved in an amazing book-writing project that you must check out.
The next awesome blogger is Pat Rupple/Plain Talk & Ordinary Wisdom. Pat gave me the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. She has such a generous heart that we become almost instant friends. She lives in the mountains where she writes about al life’s conundrums. Pat truly believes that if we could find common ground and talk, anything is possible and, if there are problems with one another or life issues, most of them could be resolved. I’m with you Pat.
Then there is Raani York. Raani gave me Hope Unites Globally Hug Award. Raani is an amazing talent and prolific writer, She some a really awesome cats that will sometimes still the show and writes a blog post for her form time to time.
Aw, now there’s Wendy McCance/Searching For The Happiness. Wendy gave me the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Wendy is a very good friend. We have known each other for a very long time or at least as long as we both have been blogging. She loves to share her knowledge about blogging and freelance writing. She offers some great tips for anyone aspiring to go that route.
Now let me introduce you to a new blogger on the scene, Lorraine Reguly/Wording Well. Lorraine gave me the Liebster Award. She is spitfire and is relentless in searching for and gaining knowledge she can glean from the blogosphere. I thank her for her generosity and wish her all the best in her search.
I did tell you there were a lot of awards, didn’t I?
Now I’ll move on the Diana Marinova. Diana also gave me the Liebster Award. She is a rocking writer with a passion for helping other freelance writers and small business owners make the most of their time. She offers great insight and tips for anyone that is pursuing freelance writing opportunities.
This one is very special to me. Let me introduce you to Elizabeth Scott. She also gave me the Liebster Award. She in my closest friend and she is my VA. Elizabeth is always there when I need a shoulder. She has started her new business, and she is doing stunningly well. I am so proud of her. She rocks.
I’m almost done I promise. I want to thank Meredith/Southern Northerner. She have given me the Liebster Award as well. She has since changed her theme and her blog, and I love it. She is a lover of Sci-Fi, horror movies, and many of these type of conventions that come around. Most of all she really enjoys this crazy world of blogging we all reside.
Finally, here is the last one, the Shine On Award. It’s a bit of a mystery as to who had given it to me because I had forgotten to make note of the giver. I feel terrible about it. So here is my question. If you, one of my readers is the giver of this award send a note and I will make sure to include you in the lineup.
Have I lost you yet? If not, lets move on to the other stuff.
All of these award winning bloggers are unique and have been on a journey of their own to reach their desired goal. All have had their share of ups and downs. All have been stalwart in their support of others. So, this is my applause to them for hanging in there and being such an inspiration to all of us who are working hard to create an award winning blog.
Now here is my Award to you for all that you have done and continue to do in this blogosphere. I call it the ‘The Best Blog Supporter Award’. It kind-of says it all.
So, what’s next? Most of the award winning rules require pretty much the same thing. I’m to tell you something about myself, things you may not know about me. Then there’s the hard part, nominating other bloggers who are deserving of each of these awards. To cut to the chase about all this award winning, here are some things you may not know about me.
- I have moved 10 times in my married life. It hasn’t been easy but oh what an adventure it has been.
- My second favorite flower is the Daisy.
- I just created my own art studio. Now I need to use it… LOL
- I collect wooden carved Santas – Refer to #6.
- I love to create recipes and bake new things.
- I am a bit obsessive when it comes to decorating for Christmas… LOL.
- We hosted 9 foreign exchange students over the years.
- One of the places on my Bucket list is to visit China.
- I have a few of my very favorite bloggers visiting in the next week or so; I am so excited.
- I am just about to publish my new book called “Lesson From An Ordinary Life”, so keep an eye out for the announcement.
Now we move on to the nominees for all of these awards. Drum roll, please. Hum… Sigh… BIGGER SIGH!… LONG PAUSE!… I CAN’T DO THIS!… It seems so unfair to nominate only a few when there are so many deserving bloggers out there. OK… So here is how it’s going to go. These awards will go to all my loyal commenters; you know who you are. If you choose to accept them (and I hope you do), you know what to do. 🙂
The award winning blog rules are very simple. To claim any or all of these awards you must:
- Post a link to my blog and the award/awards image or images you accept on your website.
- Say a few nice things about the one (me) who gave you the award/awards.
- Tell us fun stuff about yourself.
- Share the wealth with others as you see fit. How you choose to do that, is entirely up to you.
Happy blogging everyone and THANK YOU for all you do and support you have offered others and myself. You are all an Award Winning Blog in my mind.
Happy Blogging as life’s journey continues…
If you enjoyed this, check out my Awards Wining Page.
PS: If you would like to send me a message or write a guest post we would love to hear from you. (FYI: use the contact forms to help expedite the process.)
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