Summer is definitely here, and the temperatures are hot, as in 109 degrees hot. It is yet another season with increasingly high temperatures. When it’s this hot the last thing we want to do is cook, especially a hot meal, heating up the kitchen and our home. So I decided why not make coleslaw, to accompany a sandwich. 🙂
Coleslaw Recipe Two Ways
Because it’s summer it seemed fitting to share a coleslaw recipe that my husband makes quite frequently. He created this coleslaw recipe for me because I hate sweet coleslaw. The other recipe is my creation. All this because I found it difficult to locate a savory slaw when I’m out and about. That resulted in me forgoing that part on the menu, and I’d always ask for a substitution. Not anymore, at least at home. 😀
When I was doing research on the subject, I learned coleslaw was developed during the mid-18th century. The original version of coleslaw had no sugar or sweetener in it. Sweeteners were something that were added later. The term “coleslaw” was an anglicized Dutch word from “koolsla.” In Dutch “kool” means cabbage, “sla” is a Dutch abbreviation for “salade.” The unabbreviated Dutch word is “koolsalade” which translates to “cabbage salad.” It was an easy leap from there to the word we use today.
Now, let’s get to my two coleslaw recipes. Our first recipe is a mayonnaise-based recipe, the second is our vinaigrette version.
Rod’s Coleslaw
Ingredients: Makes 6 -1 cup servings.
- ½ cup mayonnaise
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1½ teaspoons fresh lemon juice
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon Sriracha Sauce
- 1 tablespoon cream
- 4 cups shredded green cabbage (10 oz. bag)
Using a large bowl, combine all the ingredients (minus the cabbage), whisk the ingredients until well blended. Add the cabbage. Toss until thoroughly coated. If needed it can be served immediately. The coleslaw is better when covered and chilled for a few hours or overnight.
Notes: Ok, if you do like a sweet coleslaw add 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar. I am hard pressed to offer any other suggestions because this recipe works just as it is.
Susan’s Vinaigrette Coleslaw
Ingredients: Makes 6 – 1 cup servings
- 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- ⅛ teaspoon black pepper
- ½ teaspoon celery seeds
- ¼ teaspoon sugar
- 4 cups shredded green cabbage (10 oz. bag)
To prepare the vinaigrette, add all the ingredients, minus the cabbage, into a screw-top jar. Tighten the lid and shake until all the ingredients are combined and emulsified.
Put the shredded cabbage in a large bowl. Pour the vinaigrette over the cabbage. Lightly toss to coat. For the best results, this coleslaw needs to be covered and chilled for a few hours or overnight.
Notes: Again if you prefer a sweeter colelsaw, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar. As for me, I like it better without any sweetener. The two key elements to this recipe are the vinegar and the oil. You may substitute the olive oil for canola oil. The acid, or vinegar, can be different but stay with a milder version such as a rice or wine vinegars.
I do hope you enjoyed our unsweetened coleslaw recipe. I know we do. :-). That’s it from my house to yours on a scorching hot day.
Time to eat…
If you enjoyed my “Coleslaw Recipe Two Ways,” check out my Pea & Cheese Salad, Fresh Mushroom Salad, and Marinated Cucumber Salad. Enjoy.
P.S. Take a moment to check out some of the tools I used for this “Coleslaw Recipe Two Ways” below. 🙂