This Peirano Estate Vineyards Six Clones Merlot just seemed to jump off the shelf into my grocery basket. Primarily because of a conversation I had with my friend and wine buyer at CostPlus. The fact that it’s just a few miles south of where I live, helped with that too. I pass it all the time on my way to various destinations in the Lodi Wine Region. It was high time that I gave it a try.
Peirano Estate Vineyards Six Clones Merlot
Like so many wineries in Northern California, Peirano Estate Vineyards has its own unique history in regards to how it came to be.
The Gold Rush era brought many cultures from far and wide all in the hopes of striking gold. Many didn’t and found they had to fall back on their roots to make a go of it in their new country. Giacomo Peirano was one of those. In search of gold, he emigrated from Italy in 1879 with only a few dollars to his name and a dream. It turned out to be just that, a dream. He took what little resources he had at the time and opened up a store to provide miners with the tools and supplies they needed to mine for gold.
His business prospered allowing him the means to return to Italy for his wife, Maria, and acquire some Italian Zinfandel vine cuttings to start his own vineyard. With the purchase of a few hundred acres, Giacomo established one of the first vineyards in the Lodi area, producing grapes for the home winemakers. While Maria managed their store, Giacomo would tend the vineyard with their growing family of five young sons.
With the tragic loss of two sons from an accident and an illness, the family immersed themselves into their two businesses. They persevered through wars, prohibition, and the great depression. It wasn’t until 1992 that the idea of producing, bottling and selling their own wine label came to be. Now in the fourth generation, Peirano Estate Vineyards has won numerous awards for producing outstanding wines using many of the traditional methods established long ago by Giacomo Peirano.
This is what the winemaker has to say about their Peirano Estate Vineyards Six Clones Merlot:
“Aromas of rich ripe cherries, blackberries with hints of toast, and vanilla coalesce into a single sensation of olfactory bliss. The mouth is filled with an array of flavors, including cherry, plum, cranapple, sweet raspberries and strawberries with lingering hints of cocoa, and cinnamon while supple tannins leave a pleasing finish. Each juicy sip is more comforting than the last always leaving the palate to want more.”
You can find Peirano Estate Vineyards wines on their website, at, CostPlus,,, or many good wine purveyors, just ask for it.
Why it took me so long to try this Peirano Estate Vineyards Six Clones Merlot is a mystery. It may be due to the fact that I’m surrounded by a ton of great wineries. 🙂 I know, it’s a hardship I must learn to bear… LOL. I do love their location and tasting room. With its great adjacent picnic site, it’s now on my list of places to visit when friends come into town.
Time for a glass…
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