This article was written well over a year ago. When I read it again a chill went up my back; it seemed quite prophetic. I find I’m asking the same question with much more urgency. I do fear the world has gone mad. Can we change our direction? Can we find a way to change our course? Is it too late?
While I contemplate my next steps, this has been weighing heavily on my mind.
Yes, I’m worried. Of late, both the world and my country are now challenged on all fronts. A higher order is sending us a signal with the warming of our world and mass extinction of many species not to mention bizarre politics. Friends are against friends, families are divided, and diversity and differences are maligned. Truths are lost in sound-bites and biased ugly tabloid memes. Civility and respect of others seems lost. We appear to ignore all signs of what’s happening, to our peril. We instead focus on past wrongs and revenge, “self” at the exclusion of others, and our desires and beliefs (not needs and kinship) excluding compassion, understanding, truth and compromise.
I Fear, I See, I Am
I Fear: I am in fear the world has gone mad. Can we rectify our direction? Can we find a way to change our course?
I See: Here’s why I’m concerned. These are just a few of the reasons.
- Muslims throw Christians overboard while escaping from war, ISIS and persecution, all while trying to reach Italy, a Christian country. Seriously – do they know where they’re going?
- Round the clock, armed guards are posted for the protection of the last remaining white male rhino from poachers. The male is old and feeble, unable to mount one of two remaining females to help continue the species. All because a culture believes their horns will provide virility. What science are they using? I fear elephants and tigers are a few of the many species that are next.
- China is eating some wildlife out of existence because “they’re delicious.” Not for long!
- 80% of U.S. citizens don’t vote, but they do love to complain about whom they didn’t vote for. If they cared, they’d get out and vote instead of letting the remaining 20% decide their fate! Just saying.
- Rumors are believed without thought, discourse and debate. Anger and hate reign.
- One religion kills another, even though all faiths have the same origins. Then they try to rewrite history. I guess they haven’t figured out we all come from the same genome.
- The world’s plant and animal species are going extinct at a rate of 100 and 1,000 species per million, and that ratio is increasing. What that means is evolution cannot keep up with this rate of loss. The numbers of species that exist in the world are declining. All because of overfishing, reckless hunting practices, destruction of habitat, destructive farming practices and now the changing climate. Are we nearing or reaching the tipping point of ecological collapse?
- A businessman/elected politician states, “It’s ridiculous to believe humans can affect the world’s environment.” Is he paying attention? Is he now declaring himself a science expert too? Remember the 20% who voted… Well…?
- Riots, looting, and distraction to affect change? They are NOT protests and demonstrations – they destroy and are all about crime and greed. One case in point – LA’s South Central – Rodney King Riots; businesses burned – many never reopened, innocent people were killed, good people moved, companies left, sports teams relocated, jobs were eliminated. Decades later, it’s still not back to what it was. Many say it will never be the same. History does repeat itself, just watch.
- We have demonized all our law makers and law enforcement for a few bad apples to the point that dangerous elements feel emboldened, empowered if you will, to target them and also encourage or do criminal acts and harm in general terms to others. Case in point: during the current riots in Baltimore, over in Houston, Texas a young women police officer was stabbed 14 times without provocation in a Wal-Mart by a black man who later declared she should die because she was a cop. Newsflash – it’s not about color or a uniform! It should be about right or wrong. This action was clearly wrong. Where are the demonstrations and protests for this? Last Note: Statistics are now showing a marked increase in crime. Happy now?
- In reference to all of the above, we seem to have forgotten we don’t live in our own frame of reference. Taking the time to walk in someone else’s shoes would seem a prudent thing to do. Will we do that? I fear not. Why? Because many do not want to be confused with the facts.
- Note to all – All life has a right to exist; racism and bad elements come in all colors. No life, race, uniform or belief is mutually exclusive to the other in this regard. Tread carefully.
Sadly, history repeats itself time and again. We never seem to learn the lessons from the past – which is all cultures rise, decline, and fall for many or all of the same reasons. Are we and the world as a whole next?
I Am: What can I do? I am taking a few simple steps.
- Respect nature whenever and wherever I can. All species have a right to life.
- Find ways to reduce my carbon footprint with solar panels, less waste.
- Reduce my use and respect the water I’m blessed to have. It is a finite resource.
- Plant honey bee and bird attracting plants and any wildlife that could benefit in some way.
- Buy a low emission car.
- Walk more, drive less.
- Thank the ones who choose to run towards the danger.
- Be kind and smile to strangers.
- Understand and respect all and their right to live their lives (As long as they don’t endanger others and infringe upon their right to do that same.)
- Listen and hear what others have to say. (Will they do the same?)
- Vote with logic, knowledge not emotions.
Do we understand we need each other? If not, will that give us a better tomorrow? If we don’t act, what will the next decade be? What will the next generation face? If we don’t change our course and make the changes that are necessary, I fear for us and for the next generations to come.
Life’s journey continues – but do we know where we’re headed?
If you enjoyed “I Fear, I See, I Am,” check out Tears Fall Freely, Fear – A Four-Letter Word, and Ending Beginning.