I know some of you are wondering. Will she ever get her new site look done? Will she ever, metaphorically speaking, turn this ship around? I know I would be. It has been a bit, or a lot, like turning a very large cruise liner around.
Turn This Ship Around
What has been a surprise is all the work that this project required. The devil is always in the details, isn’t it?
When I embarked on this blogging journey over three years ago, I would never have thought I would be where I am today. It reminds me of a ship at sea. Some ships are small and swift, where some are large and move quite a lot slower. My little ship of a blog has turned out to be much bigger than I would have ever anticipated. So changing direction was not as easy as we first thought.
Here is my update.
Regarding the Website: We have moved all the content over to a new self-hosting service. It turned out that with all the current content on the website, it made the move to a new website host a much larger project than we had originally planned. Luckily our new hosting company was a big help in that department and made that much easier than it would have been otherwise.
Now we are involved with all the little details to make the site just right. We are finally closing in on the final product. We hope to launch the new design in a short while. What that means is a launch in a few weeks… not months… :-D.
Books: One of the “ Life Stories” books is finally completed and ready to be uploaded on Amazon. The cookbook is a work in progress. The cookbook is a lot more involved and will take awhile. So patience needs to be deployed… LOL.
Drawing Tutorials: I have no excuses. I’ve simply not worked on them beyond a preliminary trial. I have worked out some of the initial bugs and now have a pretty good idea what my next steps should be. So stayed tuned.
All of this has been an interesting adventure. When you are the one and only captain of your ship, it isn’t easy. If you’re lucky enough to have a few mates to aid you in your efforts to Turn This Ship Around, you learn to be VERY patient, and that things will take time. So there you have it. My two mates and I are working very hard to turn this ship around. When our ship of a website is just right, we’ll send out a call to board our new and improved ship called Finding Our Way Now. We believe it will be worth the wait.
Life’s journey continues…
While you’re here check out a few of my stories, recipes or wine adventures.