We have another great recipe from Glynis Jolly @Speculations Impressed. This easy beef stew was designed for anyone who is in a hurry and in need of comfort food.
Technically, it’s still summer until the 20th or 21st. However, I think of September as an autumn month. It’s true that the temperature is still way up there and certainly, there isn’t any snow. Still, the nights are cooler and, somehow, the air just feels different. People are seen getting ready for the autumn season. If nothing else, they’re not mowing their lawns quite as often. It’s time to start thinking about an easy beef stew in the cooler weather.
Stews of any kind are “comfort foods.” At least that’s what the cooking magazines tell me. For me, anything that can be thrown together into the Crockpot is a comfort for me though. I mean, in most cases, the preparation in the morning is a snap. That’s unless you do everything strictly from scratch like one of my sisters-in-law does. Even then, there isn’t that much to it. I go straight to the pantry and start pulling out cans of soup or other add-ons to go with the meat I’m using.
Because of my husband’s nagging problem of diabetes, looking out for the overload of carbs is a constant with us. The only carbs in this meal come from new red potatoes. Hubby can have 3 to 5 of these small potatoes for one meal depending on the actual size of each one.
I have my difficulties because of the stroke I had so long ago, so I use some of the already prepared foods like pre-cut vegetables, canned nutrients and dry mixes. If you’d rather not, you can peel, cut and blend to your heart’s content.
Easy Beef Stew
- 2½ to 3 lb. rump roast
- 1 can Golden Mushroom Soup (I use Campbell’s)
- 1 can French Onion Soup (also Campbell’s) – I use this instead of cutting up onions. It also helps keep the meat moist.
- 1 small bag of peeled and cut carrots – These great little gems are in the produce section were the unpeeled and uncut carrots are.
- 3 stalks of celery cut into bite-size pieces – If I place the celery curving down on a cutting board, I can manage these. The precut ones are usually found close to the prepared carrots in the store.
- 1 can of whole potatoes – You can use fresh if you like. I use these because peeling taters is impossible for me.
You can add seasonings if you choose, but I don’t because of the seasonings in the two soups.
Put all but the potatoes in the crockpot unless you’re using raw ones. If that’s the case, throw them in too. No stirring is necessary. Let your crockpot run on LOW all day long.
Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours before mealtime, put in the canned potatoes undrained and stir your stew a little.
When I’m ready to eat, I take the meat out, placing it on a cutting board, and cut it in big chucks. The meat is often so tender you can cut it with a spoon.
Serve with a tossed salad and French bread.
Notes from Susan: I love beef stew and will often add some peas and mushrooms to the mix. The nice part about a beef stew recipe is there are many variations to the basic ingredients. So have some fun experimenting.
If you try this easy beef stew recipe, I would love to hear how you liked it.
From Glynis Jolly, Time to eat…
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