Happy New Year! Can you believe another year has almost past and we’re now approaching another? Where DOES the time go? As I listen to the lyrics Auld Lang Syne, I often find the last few days of the year a bit melancholy mixed with excitement and anticipation. Both an end and a beginning come together on a single day. So here is my muse called “Ending Beginning” about this significant time.
Ending Beginning
It Ends It Begins
by Susan P Cooper
The end is at hand
The time is near.
We hear the low rumble
And a few cheers
The light grows dim
All becomes quiet.
There is hush
The waiting begins.
All look to the sky
As a light descends.
Our breath is held
Thoughts focus on what’s next
The light is low
The gong is loud
Songs ring out
As a New Year begins.
It truly is a time to reflect. We think of all we’ve accomplished, and some of the things we haven’t. We have regrets and joys that all seem to culminate into this one night. In the end, a New Year does begin. We relinquish the old and look to the new. We start with new plans, hopes and dreams with great anticipation of our success in the New Year where we may have not succeeded in the old.
As the year comes to a close, I would like to wish each and every one of you the very best in the New Year. My wish for you is that the coming New Year brings all that you wish and hope for.
What are your New Years thoughts? Do you have a list of desires? What plans do you make for the coming New Year?
Life’s journey continues…
If you enjoyed “Ending Beginning,” check out A Year Long Past, Twas The Night Before Christmas and That Holiday Feeling.