*** Giveaway Is Now Closed ***
It has been a blast, and we have loved reading all the comments for the iPad Mini giveaway from each of you. Just a reminder, you must have verified your email subscription and have a U.S. address to be eligible for the drawing. But you know that already, so let’s get on with what everyone is anxiously awaiting to hear.
Drumroll, please…
The iPad Mini GIVEAWAY
… And The Winner Is …
CONGRATULATIONS!!! … Ginette Anger (AKA ginette4) … the winner of the new iPad Mini.
I would like to thank all who commented, participated in and helped with this iPad Mini giveaway and contest. A very heart felt thanks goes out to all of you. It’s your support and continued inspiration that make things like this contest and my website a success. I simply could not do it without you.
If you’re new to my site and missed this contest, there will be others. So check back to see what is coming next.
One Last Thing
With all that said, now that you’re here, I to do hope you will take a moment to check out my Award Winning Blog & Website “Finding Our Way Now”. I am by nature a storyteller & teacher. My website now provides me the opportunity to share the many stories I used to teach and the lessons I’ve learned in life and in the workplace. It has rekindled my passion for drawing. I love to cook, so it was natural that I would share all the fun & easy recipes I develop or find. I’m lucky enough to live in the wine country. Partnering with multiple marketing and PR firms has allowed me the opportunity to share information about the various wines I find. Last but not least is my ever-popular Art page where I demonstrate how I create my drawings. I do hope you enjoy what I’ve created and leave a comment or two.
Life’s journey continues…