New Year’s Eve is upon us. It brings on many thoughts; a reminiscing of a year long past, an anticipation of the future and (if you’re lucky) a celebration with family and friends. We make vows to do things in the coming year that we have not done, or to do things we wish we had or should have done. Regardless of thoughts, what we vow, where we are or what we’re doing on this passing from one year to the next, we will hear the same song in some form or another.
A Year Long Past
“Auld Lang Syne“
(English Translation)
by Robert Burns
Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
And never brought to mind?
And days of long ago!
For times gone by, my dear
For times gone by,
For times gone by.
We two have run about the hillsides
And pulled the daisies fine,
But we have wandered many a weary foot
For times gone by.
We two have paddled (waded) in the stream
From noon until dinner time,
And there is a hand, my trusty friend,
And give us a hand of yours,
And we will take a goodwill drink (of ale)
And we will take a cup of kindness yet
For times gone by!
Happy New Year!!
May the promises you make for the New Year come to pass.
May good fortune find your door step.
May you find the happiness you desire.
May all your wishes come true.
Life’s journey continues…
If you enjoyed “Year Long Past,” check out Ending Beginning, Greatest Gift of All, Over The River and Through The Woods and A Different View.
P.S. Take a moment to check out and purchase some of the items I use for the holidays below. 🙂