Fall is a beautiful time of year. I love the fall and those gently falling leaves on the soon to be barren trees. It also heralds the coming holiday season in such a magical and beautiful way. The mountains where I live are now showing their fall colors and I couldn’t help but create some drawings of nature’s gifts to us at this amazing time of year.
So, here are my thoughts.
Gently Falling Leaves
by Susan Cooper
A fall day is a precious gift,
The soft rustling of leaves and water the gently gurgling of a creek are Mother-nature’s ever present music.
Can you hear it?
Fall creatures take a moment to enjoy the beauty of Mother-nature’s many gifts.
Do we?
Nature’s creatures ready for winter. It part of natures’ plan.
We must do the same.
The fleeting beauty of a gorgeous fall tree is not missed by Mother-nature’s creatures.
We only need to take a moment to breath in, see and hear the beauty that surrounds us.
Will we?
May your fall be wrapped in the love of your family,
The warm of your friends and all that makes you happy.
What is your favorite part of the fall season? Do you take the time to enjoy the surrounding beauty? I would love to hear your thoughts about this or any time of year that resonates with you. 🙂
Life’s journey continues…
If you liked this, check out Crawdad Hunting, Sad Kitty Tale and Springhouse Frog.
PS: What are some of your favorite stories? If you would like to write a guest post about an experience, we would love to hear from you.
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