Cheryl Therrien is passionate about writing. She will tell you that technology is her mistress, and she is a breast cancer survivor. Her blog, “Grandmother Diaries“, is a forum for her to try out and review new technology and apps. You could say she is an all around technology nerd, a geek girl. As busy as she is she also blogs at an online newspaper for Topeka, KS ( After you have read what she has written, please leave a comment and let her know what you think. I know she would love it and so would I.
So not to delay, I’ll let Cheryl take it from here.
“When Susan asked me to Guest Post, I was thrilled. Then when I realized that I had to tell a story with a lesson I was intimidated. Susan is the storyteller extraordinaire. So what follows is my attempt to live up to her example.
Lesson From My Roses
What can we learn from simple Roses? We know that they need sunshine and rain. They also need to be trimmed. If you don’t trim them back, they cease to grow and bloom. They ‘forgive’ you for trimming them because it makes them thrive. When they bloom you want to stop and ‘smell the roses’.
Many times in life we find ourselves taking the time to examine where we are and how we got to this point. Sometimes we find that there are aspects of our lives that no longer serve us or allow us to grow. Recently, I have found a need to do some self-examination and reflection.
I love to write. Its like breathing to me. I thrive on it. Years ago I put my writing aside in favor of getting a job that would ‘pay the bills’. The job I have, is a really good job, and I am really good at it. Sometimes I even like it. Each day I try to find something or someone to make me smile.
It occurred to me that perhaps I could bring writing back in to my life through blogging. Long story short this meant that I had to face what I had done in eliminating writing from my life and then forgive myself for having done it. Forgiveness can be a powerful and transforming thing. It’s like trimming away parts of the rose so it can grow and thrive again. It’s very liberating.
So having forgiven myself, I started a blog on ‘Blogger’ and I am now thriving again. Not only am I writing, but I am growing. Blogging has opened doors that I did not even know existed. For example, it would never have occurred to me that I would make such wonderful blogger friends like Susan Cooper. Who knew that anyone, other than me, might actually like to read what I write? I have learned about blogging, social media, SEO, blogger groups and communities, and the list just goes on. I am growing and thriving again because the thing I love most is back in my life again.
I let ‘life’ get in the way of what makes me happy and thrive. I have forgiven myself for that. Life is a journey. Learn from your experiences and mistakes and move on. Don’t dwell on the past for anything other than learning from it. It only holds value if you learn from it. For me, writing will never again reside in the shadows. It will be front and center for all who care to partake of it.
Trim away the things that keep what you love in the shadows. Let the sunlight in so what you love can bloom and thrive. Then take time and ‘smell the roses’.
Many thanks go out to my friend Susan Cooper for allowing me to tell my story.”
Thank you Cheryl.
Cheryl and I meet online and have forged a great friendship. She has been a tremendous support when I needed it the most, and I have done my best to return the favor. Her blog is a lot of fun and very informative. I have found some great app per her recommendation. While you’re at it, that a moment to visit her blog at Grandmother Diaries.
So, what has been keeping you in the shadows, not allowing your true self to shine through. We would love to hear your thoughts.
Life’s journey continues…