Why is it we find ourselves feeling like we’re swimming upstream in our life? It’s as if life is going one way, we when we have chosen another. Does that make any sense? It seems that if life is telling us to go in a particular direction, then why not go that way? It’s as if we need to be contrary or rebellious and do the exact opposite then what is obvious to everyone else. Swimming upstream or against the tide isn’t always that way. Sometimes it just feels that way.
Swimming Upstream
There are times we embark on a new adventure, something we have never done before, and that is when the swimming upstream kind of feeling hits us. It’s hard and not at all in our comfort zone. The new adventure stretches us and forces us to exercise our mind in a different way. That’s where I am right now. A few months ago I had consciously made a discussion to do something very different from anything I have ever done before. I choose to be utterly and completely out of my comfort zone.
You are now asking yourself what could I possibly be referring to. I started a blog (2) in February 2011, on a whim, out of frustration and as a result of being out of work. It was a way to talk to myself about all those pent up feelings that happen when you are in that situation. One thing lead to another, and there I was, learning about all the “Stuff” that goes into this Blogging world. It is like no other place I have ever traveled before.
I’ve learned SO much, and I’m now totally immersed into my new opportunity. I’m grateful for a few Bloggers who have offered great examples, information, support or encouragement (directly, indirectly or because they exist). Some of these bloggers are Simple Dude, Breakfree.me, Enter The Between, Blog Your Passion and ThePioneerWoman. My new website is now up and running. I’m now an LLC with the help of LegalZoom.com. I have a great looking, newly created logo; thanks to Joan Bright, a friend, gifted and supportive graphic artist. My passion for drawing has returned, thanks to a new tool called iDraw.com for Apple.
The world of Blogging is so much more than what the word implies. It is a community of sorts. The range of opportunities for anyone in this medium has very few bounds. Blogging offers incredible rewards on about any level you can imagine; such as e-commerce, self-publishing, or just talking to your cyber friends about all that’s on your mind and the best part? … you get instant honest feedback.
What has blown me away is the fact that I now have readers, quite literally, from around the world, on every continent and from over a 100 countries. If anyone had told me a year ago I would be engaged in this kind of opportunity I would have thought they were delusional. The best part of all this is, I’m learning something new ALL the time. I’m, once again, excited about what I’m doing. I’m creating something that I believe could benefit others, and it’s TOTALLY mine.
In a short time my old site will be gone. However, I’ll always be grateful that it was there when I really needed a way to express myself. It’s what lead me to where I am today.
We’re always “Finding Our Way, Now” and throughout our life, swimming upstream if you will. I am at the beginning of this experience. I’m under no illusion that there won’t be any setbacks or moments of “what was I thinking” and the frustrations of learning something new. I have no idea where this will take me, but I am totally enjoying the ride. It is important to remember that courage, perseverance, persistence and belief will pay a significant part in any success I’m able to achieve. So wish me luck and keep a lookout for all the new things on my new website.
So here is my question for you. Have you ever had that feeling or found yourself swimming upstream against the tide? I would love to hear about your adventure.
Life’s journey continues…