Aw, the beach. Memories are precious moments in our lives that leave an indelible imprint on our mind. I find that when we smell a peculiar scent, hear a particular sound, when a familiar song plays or a favorite scene is before us, it triggers a recall of a very special memory. When that happens, we find ourselves, once again, at that moment in time. A warm feeling rushes over us, and we smile a very private smile.
The Beach
It had been a very hectic and stressful day for both my husband and I. We were not in the best frame of mind. We had gone out to dinner, absorbed in our thoughts of rehashing the day and had hardly spoken a word to each other. For some unknown reason, we had taken an unexpected detour and found ourselves on the beach at sunset. It was one of those moments when we found both our minds quiet, where all seemed right with the world, and we were at peace.
Moments like these are very special, never planned and when they happen it is such a gift, where our heart swells, and we relish the life we have. What had been so important a moment before seem to diminish and give way to a calming of our mind, replacing our thoughts with a blanket of warmth and comfort.
I believe my illustration says it all.
An accumulation of memories is all part of the fabric of our lives, giving us guidance and hope on our life’s journey while we struggle to find our way now and into the future.
I would love it if you would share some of your memories and why they mean so much to you.
Life’s journey continues…
If you enjoyed “The Beach,” take a look at Kiss Your Life, Letting Go, and Love and Friendship.